The FemtoStar Project is a global community of developers working towards one common goal - better, more open, and more private communications, anywhere on earth. FemtoStar Project members own and operate FemtoStar Inc., a Canadian corporation tasked with the ownership, maintenance, and operation of the FemtoStar satellite constellation. The FemtoStar Project's development of the hardware and software that make FemtoStar possible is undertaken by our global community of volunteer developers with experience ranging from embedded hardware, to secure telecommunications, to software development, to aerospace.
The FemtoStar Project is a global endeavour. All of our members joined the project online, many after coming across the project on their own and contacting us. If you've found us, and you want to help, don't hesitate to contact us.
Questions? Comments? Want to chat about satellites? Visit us on Matrix at Alternatively, email us at This address has been hidden to prevent spam being received. If you are reading this website as plain text or through a screen reader, the correct address is the word hello, then the symbol spelled with the letter before B and then the letter after S, then the name of this website or of our satellite, then dot com. heLoremlipsumldolorosit аamett fconsectetureadipiscingmelittSedodolorssemtlaciniaaacr deuismodоvitaet chendreritositm.